Sunday, May 6, 2012

Is there any free way to change your video card and ram?

recently, my mother board was changed, and most things became downgraded. is there any way to get more ram and a better quality video card?

thanks =D|||There are several ways to increase these components for free. for the video card you upgrade the driver by going to the manufacturers website and intalling the latest driver. One way you could increase the performance for both is to overclock them and i wont give details on overclocking here however you could find a website to learn how to overclock fairly easily|||You can put them in yourself=free labor--they are both very easy to install. You still have to buy the parts or trade for them if you can find someone with spare parts. Most upgraders(gamers) have spare parts. I have 2GB ddr2 ram 800mhz I dont need because I just bought 4GB 1066mhz ram. There is probably a site where pc builders trade parts--I just dont know what it is.|||yes jsut go to any retail store that have good video cards and ram chips taht are compatible with your motherboard but unfortunetely, u cannot upgrade hard ware for free|||yea go to tigers direct . com and look up vgas n ram that are comaptibe with ur motehr boad

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