Friday, April 27, 2012

If I am using a PCI Video card in my PC now, will I be able to use a PCI Express card as an upgrade?

I have been looking for a new, better video card to upgrade to and I have a Dell Dimension 2400 (I know, it's old.) Right now, I am using an nVidia 64 MB PCI card. I would like to upgrade to the Sapphire ATI Radeon X1300 256MB PCI Express card, but I am not sure if it will work with my system. Please help me out!|||I can almost guarintee it will not work. You might have a PCI-E slot, but I've never heard of someone with a PCI-E slot opting to use a PCI card instead. If you are certin you have a PCI-E slot, then you can go ahead, but I'm telling you, I am almost certin you don't, and that it will not work. PCI and PCI-E slots are different.

The best you could do if you don't have a PCI-E slot or an AGP slot, would be to get a new PCI card.|||PCI & PCI-E are completely different and can not be interchanged. You older Dell 2400 does not have a PCI-E slot, therefor you can't use the new faster card. If you have an AGP slot you can upgrade to a faster AGP card.|||Sorry my friend.. there is no pci express expansion slot in ur comp.. i have checked online with dell and for sure pci express card is not compatible.. better dont buy pci cards they dont perform tooo good.. u better get new mother board|||If you do not have a PCI-Express slot the card will not work. I think it is time for a motherboard/cpu upgrade as well as the video card. You might want to read this article for pointers:…


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