Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Current video card for a Intel Quad 6600?

I have an Intel Core 2 Q6600. I want to buy a video card, with the hope of being able to run Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I read that my processor, being older, will limit performance on newer cards. Can you please recommend a good card that can run at full performance for my processor?|||Back in 2008, people were running the q6600 with a GTX 280 and no one ever spoke of a bottleneck.

Today's cards that are on the same level as a GTX 280 are the 1gb GTX 460 and the Radeon HD 6850.

Since the Radeon HD 6870 is such a good deal, I don't think I'd pass on that card. It can be found for $175 on

In First person shooter games you'd get more performance with a better card. Going beyond the 6870 level the performance would get CPU bound.

The q6600 would be limited in games that want more performance from the processor. Games like Dragon Age, Starcraft 2, WOW, and GTA4 are processor intensive games.|||The Q6600 shouldn't limit the GPU.

I have a Q6700 (which is the same processor, just clocked slightly higher) and it doesn't bottleneck my system.

It doesn't bottleneck a GTX 580 (fastest single GPU video card on the market), so you're fine.

If you overclock it, you could squeeze out a few more frames when gaming.

Get whatever video card you can afford.

I recommend a GTX 560 Ti or Radeon HD 6870.

If you can afford something better, then obviously buy the better video card.

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