Monday, May 7, 2012

Will a video card display image without an OS?

Will a video card display any image on a monitor when theres no OS installed??|||Some will, my video card displays a startup message stating the card name and type and everything and will also display the motherboard bios without an OS installed. However I wouldn't call those 'images' so I guess it depends on what you mean by that.|||Depending on your situation and whether the video card is integrated or on PCI-E or another slot. You will most likely, if not certainly be able to view things on the screen without an OS. It is very rare or unlikely that you would need the OS but other wise, it should be fine. Either way, why would the manufacturer make the product to make it mandatory to have the OS when you need to be able to view the screen to install the OS anyways!|||most will if your talking about in the bios. if you dont have an image on the screen on post try the on-board or a different card and check see if there might be something mis-configured in there

might have to change the primary display. also make sure the computer is posting it should beep once to say it has completed|||Nope. You Need drivers for the card to operate, and drivers are usually part of the OS|||Define "image".

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