Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How good is my computer video card?

I have a 128MB ATI Radeon X1300 thats coming with my brand new computer is this card going to be ok I"m hooking it up to my LCD HDTV and I will prolly play games on it such as warcraft etc.|||you dont need much of a graphics card for wow.

What size LCD do you have?

If its very large your gfx card might have a hard time with the proper resolution|||good enough. you'd be better off with 256 meg version though.|||128 MB is NOT good.

Start at 512MB for good

F.E.A.R might play on it but really bad.

Halo would fare a little better but not good|||Is this a laptop? It seems that way. If you're just going to be playing Warcraft it'll be ok, but if you're talking about WoW or even playing Source games it will be a bit sluggish. Memory on a video card isn't everything, you need to look at how many bits it can process and how fast/big its pipelines are. Big video memory with small pipelines will just cause a 'bottleneck' effect and adverse your gaming experience altogether. Other than that, its great for casual computing.|||The X1300 is a low end card.

Not bad enough that you can't play games, but if you want to play any recent ones you'd have to run it at near the lowest settings to get a decent frame rate.

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