Friday, May 4, 2012

Can i run this video card with a power supply of 300W?

I bought this card and its Nvidia 8800 GTX with 768MB (2008 version). Would i be able to run this card on my computer that has a 300W? It says it runs better with a 550W but would it run on a 300W? It fits in the desktop but i just want to make sure.|||please dont try it . it might over load ur power supply and which will lead to other parts to fail.|||Not the best idea! it MIGHT work...for a short period...but hopefully you PSU is of quality that would shut down before it died of over work or worse...went haywire and over volted your entire system. At that point you would have wished you had just spent the bucks to get the proper PSU!|||Don't even think about it. Upgrade your power supply.

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