Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is there a way to run a PCI-E video card externally to a laptop?

I have a 9800 GTX card that's laying here since I just upgraded to two 580GTX's running in SLI, I was just wondering if the 9800 could somehow be used externally and hooked up to my laptop. I know USB2 Won't handle this, once USB3 comes out will it be a possibility?|||no|||If you have an ExpressCard or mini-PCI-E, there's this:…|||Unless you are some sort of mad skilled engineer, it's likely that you would not be able to design the interface to plug the PCI-E in to the laptops video card connector.

So, no.

Where can I find the latest video card driver for my laptop and also an audio device that works?

Toshiba Satellite 5105-S901 laptop

Intel Pentium 4 Processor

NVIDIA GeForce4 440

I updated with Service Pack 2 which installed the YAMAHA AC-XG audio device. Although, now I have no sound and I don't think that this audio device is compatible with my laptop. Also, another program I have will not load because I need a different video driver. Anyone know where can I get this? Thanks!!!|||toshiba website will be your best bet use the following link this will take you to their support site…

How can I overclock my intel cpu and Nvidia 8800m gts video card?

I'm going to get Crysis soon. My laptop has over the minimum requirements for the game, but my cpu and video card are just under the recommended requirements.

Does anyone know how I can overclock my cpu and video card in order to reach the requirements, or get them closer to them?

Is there any risk involved to my computer's components involved?


My cpu is an intel duo T5750(2.0ghz).

My Video card is Nvidia 8800m Gts.

I have 3gb of ram.

My computer is windows vista, and i'm running it as super-admin(if it matters).|||Yes, with a laptop you are putting your components at high risk if you overclock.

With a desktop computer, you will generally have better airflow and CPU cooling which will allow your parts to remain cool and safe.

However by overclocking a laptop, you are generating excess amounts of heat which will greatly stress your CPU - laptop CPU coolers are not meant to cool overclocked parts.

My suggestion is to stand clear of overclocking laptops. In fact, many laptop makers will even go so far as to lock the bios to prevent you from doing so. If your laptop is from a major manufacturer such as Dell, Gateway, HP, Compaq, or Acer, you likely don't even have a choice in this matter.|||download riva turner....

and set the core clock and memory clock you want...

this is the video tutorial in youtube:

download riva turner here:

How do I update my Video Card drivers when windows won't load?

I have had a problem with my computer being unstable. I sent my video card in to get fixed. Not to long after I got it back my computer suddenly craped out. It would have artifacts all over the screen during startup and the screen would turn off before windows started. Fans and lights were still running, but my screen would turn off. I sent the video card in again and recently got it back. Just as before the same thing has happened. Someone suggested that it could be the drivers so how do I update drivers when I cant even get to windows|||Try going into safe mode. Press F8 repeatedly when you start the computer. Choose Safe mode with networking (or get the drivers from someone else's computer). Update the drivers by going to Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager > Display Adapters > double-click your video card > driver > update driver.|||Go on another computer and download the drivers onto a floppy disk and insert that into the computer and enter the BIOS screen. From there you should be able to load the drivers. However, the easier way of doing it would be to install the video card in another machine and if that one works then you know it isnt the video card that is causing you problems.|||switch from windows to ubuntu linux,, its free and will detect and download the drivers for you.

At least you will be able to use your pc and once you used it, you will never want to go back to redmond's monster|||yes try going into safe mode by pressing f8 during bootup and have a disk with the drivers ready

Will a geforce video card support a del computer and the sims 3?

i have a del computer and i heard about the sims,so i bought the sims 3 with my credit card online and when i loaded it on it said that the video card could not support the sims 3.i don't want to buy a video card that can support the sims 3,but will not support a del copmputer.|||Which Dell do you have? Look on the Dell website and see which models they sell. I've used Dells in the past and some of them modified motherboards or internal fixtures that mean that there isn't enough room to fit a powerful card. Most annoyingly they often put the most powerful PCI-E slot right at the top so you can't put a double hight card in, or they sometimes put in an extra large heat sink so you can't fit a full length card in.

Without knowing the model of Dell there isn't much more that I can tell you.|||video cards are all the same. They usually make their own or get them from Nvidia or Geforce. So as long as you have a fast enough processor, enough ram, and a big enough hard drive then go ahead and get a new video card.

Do you have to use the recommended power supply for a video card?

I just got a ati 2900 xt card and it says it needs a power supply of 550. My current power supply is only 500. Thanks in advance.|||You could use a lower watt...but your performance is going to show the lack of power. I would go with AT LEAST the recommended power if not +50w|||If you have too many things drawing too much power (additional hard drives, optical drives, etc) from a power supply that cannot provide enough, your system may become unstable and crash randomly.

What is a video card driver? and can i get one for free?

I downloaded this game everyone says is cool called secondlife. I was so excited too play it, but it wont let me because it says that my video card driver needs to be updated. I've tried updating it, and it wont let me. Could I get one for free? please heelp!!!|||You should post specifics about what your computer's make and model is.

If you have Nvidia, download the drivers here:…

If you have ATI, download the drivers here:…

If you have Intel integrated graphics, get the driver here:…|||Drivers are usually free from the manufacturer. And sometimes, you might even find them for free on other websites. You will need to know what type of adapter that you have and just do a search for it. Be as specific as you can to ensure you get the correct one.

However, the game could be letting you know that your video card is not powerful enough also. You might not meet the minimum requirements for that specific game.

Hope this helps!|||yes easy what the exact name of your computer Email me|||First thing you need to do is find out who makes the card. Nvidia, Ati, Intel. Then you need to go to their website and only their website. go to their support page and find the download drivers. find your specific card as it matters a lot. download then install them and your golden. A video card driver is what makes the computer recognize the video card and utilize the hardware as it is meant to.|||guys and ladies she not giving much info if we kn

Does video card matter for watching DVD?

im planning to get a laptop to watch DVDs. does the video card give high quality of DVDs picture? in other words, does a good video card (like NVIDIA or that kinds of video card) give better picture? it's only for DVD-watching, not for games. thanks.|||no. those NVIDIA video card is only for games.. for DVD, it adds no value...........|||Quiet frankly, no. If it's onboard video it'll matter a little, see the onboard video will use a lot of the CPU power, while a independant video card will do all the processing and leave the CPU pretty much idle.

In terms of what kind of video card you need, a cheap video card will do the job for just plain old DVD watching. Some say ATI has a better IQ than Nvidia ( Image Quality) , but in my own personal experiance, Nvidia cards run cooler, a little cheaper and i like their drivers better.

It's all up to you which brand you choose, but yes any video card will do for DVD watching.|||All video cards play DVDs quite well now, but you're probably better off with an nVidia or ATI card.

You also want 3D support:

Most modern Operating Systems are moving toward OpenGL or DirectX support for rendering the GUI. So I would recommend a 3D graphics card, they are not just for games any more.

If you want to run Windows Vista or Mac OS X, then you will need 3D graphics support!

( That doesn't read well: visit this site to findout why:,00.sht… )

I would personally make sure a new laptop contained an ATI or nVidia 3D graphics card.

( Oh, no! That doesn't read right either:… )

How DVDs play on a laptop:

Why do I have special hardware for displaying video?

Most computers display graphics in the RGB color space, while a DVD contains video encoded in the MPEG codecs, which store video frames in the YCbCr color space family.

The quality of the picture is down to the encoding of the video (on the DVD etc) and not the video card. But the result you get on the screen is down to the video cards ability to hardware scale the output image to full-screen size and ability to display output as an overlay in the YCdCr color space.

Why do I want support for this?

Real-time YCbCr to RGB conversion can be quite slow, but the main problem with displaying video on a computer screen in RGB format, is the resolution (screen size in pixels) of modern high resolution displays, and how long it takes to modify and then transfer a full frame of the screen to the video hardware (anything over 640x480 can be considered large).

In order to display a 1440 x 900 32bit color video at 30 frames per second in RGB would require 151Mb of data per second to be transfered to your graphics card! Which is too much data to send in real-time.

Fortunately the bandwidth required for playing DVDs is much smaller than this, and small enough to easily transfer directly to your graphics card in YCbCr format.

So if your video hardware supports YCbCr (YUV overlays) all you need to do is transfer the YCbCr data and let the hardware sort it out rather than convert plus send the large RGB format data.|||ofcourse, but no very much. todays all of VGA s are able to play movies and pictures.

I am looking for a PCI Express card and if the memory in my computer is DDR Does video card also have to beDDR

I see that the video cards i find are not DDR and they are DDR2 or somthing else does that matter or does the video card also have to be DDR. Also the game I have says it has to be 100% direct 9 compatible would a Direct 10 work for that.|||No. The video card and the PC don't need to have the same type of memory. Directx 10 should work fine for a game that requires 9.

Graphics Driver for built-in video card in Gigabyte Motherboard?

I need a graphics driver and a VGA driver for my videro card. It is built in to my Gigabyte motherboard. I think it is some model of NVIDIA GEforce. Does anyone have a driver for it? I am unsure of my grahics card model or motherboard model.

My resolution is stuck on 64x480 pixels with 16 colors.|||For all the nvida drivers go to You'll have to select your operating system and why type of card but you can download all the drivers you will need there. There may be links to whatever drivers you need on your motherboard manufacturers website.

Hope this helps.|||lol yes all nvidia drivers will be at the nvdia site,, have u checked device manager are u using the driver is it enabled? I would look into that before u try to install a new one and I would suggest running windows update as well,, I've seen that utility grab missing drivers before,

Does chipsets matter if you have a video card?

I have this one motherboard I want but the chipsets is horrible. Does this matter if I have a video cardt to plug in?|||wouldn't work, its integrated on your motherboard, if you have a desktop ull need to replace your motherboard and possibly many other things, if you have a laptop, sorry impossible|||yea the chipset is built into the motherboard .. adding a video card will only affect it if you have onboard graphics (graphics card built into the motherboard) .. you can't (easily, if at all) change chipsets out .. and if they go bad you might as well just replace the board .. if you don't like your chipset, a mobo replacement is in your near future!

Video card thats compatible with compaq presario cq4190L?

I want to upgrade my video card? there any NVIDA or Radeon with 512mb video memory compatible with compaq presario cq4190L?|||That PC only has a 220W power supply. Consider these low wattage cards;

ATI HD 5570= 43 watts

ATI HD 4650= 48 watts

The more powerful graphics cards would require a bigger power supply (400 to 500W).

How do i tell if its my video card or my moniter going out?

everytime i attempt to go on the internet(have dsl) my moniter shuts off.its kinda of an old moniter,but someone told me its my video card please help?|||It only shuts off when you get on the internet??? When did the problem start happening. You can update your video card driver by going to My Computer and right click on it. Then go to properties, then Device Drivers and find your video card driver. Update the driver. But first I would turn my system off completely. Then power it back on and tap 1-2 times gently the F8 key. This should take you to the Windows Advanced Options Menu. Go to Safe Mode with Networking. Choose your Operating System. Then you will see a lot of file like lines just give it a minute to load. Then your screen will tell you to log in and log in. Your computer will be running is safe mode. Try the internet there and if it shuts down or off then that will tell you what it is. It would be convenient if you had access to another monitor then that will tell you whether it is your monitor or not. I find it strange that the video works but when you get on the internet it doesn't. So if it stays on in safe mode that means it is a software issue and then I would proceed to the update video driver step which can be done in safe mode or in regular mode. If the problem just started recently you can do a system restore and see does that help. You could have downloaded something from the internet that is messing with your system. Hope that helped.|||1 hook annother momiter to your pc

2 take it to the shop and have them do it|||u remove vdo card & connect monitor direct to mother board. if it shuts off it is due to monitor. if not its due to ur vdo card

How can I overclock an ATI HD 4890 Video Card?

I want to overclock the card, I'm just not sure how. Can anybody point me to a helpful guide, or program that can be of some use? Or even provide some advice yourselves?|||to overclock any card u need a overclocking utility like EVGA precision(the most simple card tuner i've seen), Riva tuner(but this ones very complicated),.

Anyway, u can get EVGA Precision here…

--- GOOD LUCK ---

No signal error message with new video card installed?

I had a error message that said "no signal" . So I tried a different monitor still the same message. Then I added a new video card and I still get the same message. When I try to load the software I can't tell what is happening because that message still comes up on my monitor? HELP PLEASE???|||try going into safe mode you do that by turning off your computer then when it starts to load press f5 and it will take you to the boot screen were you can choose safe mode.|||Try to delete the first driver you install and reinstall a new one. It might be that there is conflict between the first driver that is not working.|||u bought a bad video card or ur com motherboard is bad u need a new mb its cheper to buy a new com and use your onw hard drive

My pc turned off automatically and video card smells burned?

after i turned on my pc for about 5 minutes it turned off automatically and the video card smells, my pc is only 2 years old, i m using quad core,4 gig of ram and a generic power supply, what do you think is the problem?|||if it is just the VGA that smells burnt it has most likely burnt out due to overheating. Does it have a fan or a heatsink? If a fan then it has most likely stopped, if a heatsink then perhaps a voltage issue occured or more likely just a component failure.

replace the card, if you can get the PSU tested for voltages, or get a better VGA card and replace the CPU anyway.|||i would check all the power cabkles that go to the gfx card since if you dont have the power going to it it may fry out.

also re-apply thermal paste to your gpu cause it might not getting full connection and be heating up which can kill the board from warping cause of the extra avoidable heat. also clean out any dust particles that may be on the board and make sure your fans are working correctly by monitoring the temops and looking at the fans pm.

most fans should eb running at about 5400rpm or somehting like that different fans mean different speeds so should check it out online for that version of fan.|||It might have shorted out or something. Turn your computer off, unplug it, and remove the video card. Check if the capacitors (the relatively large "studs") are intact.

Can i buy a separate video card ?

I have a `Dell` computer with an integrated video card with an `Intel(R) G45/G43 express chip set on board, is it possible to but a video card for one of the PCI slots, or do I need to but a complete new `motherboard` ?|||With a recent computer like yours (the G45/G43 chipset tells me that), your computer should have one long PCI-Express x16 slot that can accomodate a graphics card.

However, since you're running a Dell, they're notorious for putting in the minimum power supply they can get away with. If you're adding a serious gaming level video card, you will have to upgrade your power supply at the same time.

If you're looking for specific advice on which video card to purchase, please post another question, with your Dell model number and what you want to use the video card for.|||yes you can,i brought a pny geforce 5200 pci 256 mb card and works well, there are lots of pci card on the market bfg,nvidia ,ati to name a few just go to the bios disable your intergrated card , install the pci graphic card,restart the pc, the vga driver will kick in , cancel found new hardware,install the driver software make sure your directx is up to date and install the latest graphic card driver in most cases you can go up to a 512mb graphic card,also increase your psu to 450watts|||Yes, although if you have PCI express x16 slots or the old AGP on the motherboard. They are still better to use then PCI slots.

If this computer was a laptop though, it would be a completely different story. As laptop graphic cards are usually not easily upgradable (if ever)|||Definately possible. Advisable? Not so sure. Depends on how new the computer is. If it Doesn't have an AGP or PCIE slot, I wouldn't even bother, there isn't much you can buy for standard PCI Anymore|||Yes you can. Think that model is quite recent so you may have the AGP slot on your motherboard. Check the model number on the internet.|||Yes, it's possible. People do it all the time.

How good is my computer video card?

I have a 128MB ATI Radeon X1300 thats coming with my brand new computer is this card going to be ok I"m hooking it up to my LCD HDTV and I will prolly play games on it such as warcraft etc.|||you dont need much of a graphics card for wow.

What size LCD do you have?

If its very large your gfx card might have a hard time with the proper resolution|||good enough. you'd be better off with 256 meg version though.|||128 MB is NOT good.

Start at 512MB for good

F.E.A.R might play on it but really bad.

Halo would fare a little better but not good|||Is this a laptop? It seems that way. If you're just going to be playing Warcraft it'll be ok, but if you're talking about WoW or even playing Source games it will be a bit sluggish. Memory on a video card isn't everything, you need to look at how many bits it can process and how fast/big its pipelines are. Big video memory with small pipelines will just cause a 'bottleneck' effect and adverse your gaming experience altogether. Other than that, its great for casual computing.|||The X1300 is a low end card.

Not bad enough that you can't play games, but if you want to play any recent ones you'd have to run it at near the lowest settings to get a decent frame rate.

I have HP Pavilion Slimline S5112F support low profile PCIE video card and comes with 240W power supply unit?

I have a HP Pavilion Slimline S5112F support low profile PCI Express video card and comes with 240W power supply unit and want to know if I can upgrade it to 500w power unit and if so where can I find one.|||It appears to take ATX connectors so you can replace it with one from Newegg, Frys, Zipzoomfly


Antec and OCZ Tech make decent ones and there's usually a sale every couple of weeks.|||No power supply upgrade fits the Slimline S5112F case.

What is the best Video card that I could buy for under $200?

I am trying to find the best graphics card I can get for under $200....or is this range unreasonable to handle top games?...if so....please help me get a better range for a video card.|||[url]…

The 5770 is a great card|||5770 is the most power efficient card at that pricing range. I would wait till nvidia release there new high end gpu because the price will drop. Plus if you ever need an upgrade the 5770 works really well in cross fire and can play crysis at 1080p with aa and the good ip(don't think i can say the s word) turned up.|||this seem a really good one.…

here is the top graphic companey…|||Before you start searching, make your your pc has a PCI-Express slot (if your computer is less than 3 years old you should be fine).

Since your price range is below $200, I would go for the radeon 5770, radeon 4890, or radeon 4870. I pick radeon over nvidia because you usually get a bigger bang for the buck, but nvidia is a bit more reliable.

If you want nvidia, try the 260 GTX or 9800 GTX

I need a compatible video card for this motherboard. Help?

This is my mother board Foxconn A74ML-K - motherboard - micro ATX - Socket AM2 / AM2+ / AM3 - AMD 740G - Socket AM2 / AM2+ / AM3. I am trying to find a compatible video card. The slot is a PCI Express not PCI Express 2.0. Any help would be greatly appreciated.|||The version number of PCI-Express x16 (1.0 vs 2.1 or 2.0 etc) does NOT matter... all cards and motherboards are completely backwards and forwards compatible, as long as they're x16. The major restrictions are your budget and your computer's power supply rating, since higher-end cards require more power.

What are you upgrading the video card for? Is there a particular game you're looking to play? If so, which game and what's your monitor resolution (and of course, ballpark budget)? For games like Minecraft or the Sims 3 you don't need an expensive card at all. For Call of Duty:MW2, Rift or World of Warcarft an entry-level card would do, but you'd need something fairly powerful to play Skyrim. Even moreso for Battlefield 3.…|||any card in the market will work 100% fine !! it depends on your budget

How do I make my video card run faster?

I have a diamond card with s3 savage4 in it, i am runing xp it has a driver but if i run like a fps it sayed microsof driver rendoeror like there is another one i can get?|||Video cards are really iffy in that regard: you can't easily make them faster because they're such precision hardware. It IS possible to overclock a video card, but it's quite dangerous, doesn't lead to a large boost in performance, and (again) is the easiest way to fry the card. Manufacturers don't cover damage by overclocking, as it breaks the warranty.

If you're looking for a new one, try either the AGP x1950GT (ATI) or the PCI-e 8800GT (nVidia). They'll get you some of the best performance in their respective expansion buses. Don't forget to make sure that the motherboard and power supply you're using can support the new card.

If you don't have an AGP or PCI-e slot in your computer, or if you have a laptop, the easiest solution is to simply buy a new computer, because the one you're using is either too outdated or too difficult to upgrade to make it worth the time, respectively.


~subignition|||Sadly, no magic driver can make your video card even faster than a GeForce 5200FX. And that card is the slowest video card 5 YEARS AGO.

If you still want the drivers, here it is :…|||can you pc overclock.

really you need a better graphics card.

it depends if you got a agp graphic slot or pci-e. if it's an agp get the NVIDIA 6600 but if you got a pci-e get the niver 8600.|||You can overclock but it's not wort5h the effort on lower cards just buy a new one. |||upgrade your ram capacity first.

go to bios settings. increase the ram space allotted to vido/grafics memory.

|||make more space on your computer delete junk or files that you do not need or use anymore |||kick it up the butt

Current video card for a Intel Quad 6600?

I have an Intel Core 2 Q6600. I want to buy a video card, with the hope of being able to run Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I read that my processor, being older, will limit performance on newer cards. Can you please recommend a good card that can run at full performance for my processor?|||Back in 2008, people were running the q6600 with a GTX 280 and no one ever spoke of a bottleneck.

Today's cards that are on the same level as a GTX 280 are the 1gb GTX 460 and the Radeon HD 6850.

Since the Radeon HD 6870 is such a good deal, I don't think I'd pass on that card. It can be found for $175 on

In First person shooter games you'd get more performance with a better card. Going beyond the 6870 level the performance would get CPU bound.

The q6600 would be limited in games that want more performance from the processor. Games like Dragon Age, Starcraft 2, WOW, and GTA4 are processor intensive games.|||The Q6600 shouldn't limit the GPU.

I have a Q6700 (which is the same processor, just clocked slightly higher) and it doesn't bottleneck my system.

It doesn't bottleneck a GTX 580 (fastest single GPU video card on the market), so you're fine.

If you overclock it, you could squeeze out a few more frames when gaming.

Get whatever video card you can afford.

I recommend a GTX 560 Ti or Radeon HD 6870.

If you can afford something better, then obviously buy the better video card.

Does video card affect the performance of the computer? Does it also affect the motherboard?

My NVIDIA GeForce 7300 is defective and its not working anymore, so I decided to take it out in the motherboard and now i don't have any graphic card and couldn't afford to buy one. My question is, does it affect the PC performance? I'm not playing any games on computer though, I just watch movies. Would it also affect the motherboard?

Help please! TIA!|||It won't effect your motherboard and should be fine as long as you have on-board video. It will however take away from your PC's performance. When you use a video card all of the computers graphics are processed by your video card which is basically a small computer in itself. It has a processor and RAM of it's own. I recommend getting another video card, even if it's a cheap one. You can get a Radeon HD 4650 with 1 GB RAM for $50.00. It is well worth it. You can even get the Radeon HD 4350 with 1 GB RAM for $40.00. Here are links...……

What is the best used AGP VIDEO CARD?

Give me a list of good used agp video cards.|||I have a HiS X1650 pro agp .. works great for me. Runs fear on medium and some older games like battlefield 2 on high. Cheap too.

I have a problem with my Video Card Nvidia GeForce 8700m GT in Sli?

they are two video cards and sometime when im watching a video in youtube their drivers crash and the video starts lagging.Same thing happened when i tried playing Skyrim.

I reinstalled the drivers and tried other stuff but nothing happened.So im oppened to suggestions.|||One card may be going bad. Try pulling them out of SLI and run one card at a time to see if either present a problem on their own.

Which Nvidia video card driver is right for you?

I'm trying to install a nvidia video card driver and I found a place that has a list of nvidia video card drivers but I don't know exactly which one I should install. I have Windows XP, I have the nvidia geforce graphics card and some nvidia nforce motherboard stuff but its not enough info to help me choose. Should I download geforce 7 or geforce 800??? How can I find out? Please help...|||if you are using a Desktop Enter on the below link and choose option 1 or option 2 ( i prefer option 1 )

if you are using a notebook Enter on Below Link and under geforce notebook choose your operating system

And u should download the lastest drivers for your video card

Cheers.|||it depends on what graphics card you have. if you have a geforce 7 series, then download those, if you have geforce 9 series, then download those. the nforce ones are for motherboard chipsets so dont worry about those. if you dont know what video card you have, run "dxdiag" and go to display tab, and it will show you what video card you have. another solution is to let nvidia scan your computer to find your video card, and it will determine the right drivers for you|||you most likely have a dedicated and integrated graphics card. if you're familiar with BIOS (when the computer loads), you should just turn the integrated video (the one built into the motherboard) off.

then download the universal driver from nvidia. there are always tweaked drivers that give you more performance, but i seriously doubt it will be significantly more than the default drivers.

also, go into you device manager and click on graphics cards and see if yours pops up in there... then google the driver for that specific model.|||FACT, if you have a laptop OR a PC that does not have a graphics card plugged into it, then you are using an integrated graphics processor. This is a chip that is mounted to the motherboard. If this is the case, you would go to your computers manufacturers' website (HP, Dell, Toshiba, Acer, etc) and download video drivers for your model. If you have a home build system, you would go to the motherboard makers website and get drivers.

FACT, if you have a PC with a graphics card plugged into it, pull the side cover, see what card you have (6200, 7500, 8600, 9500, etc) then go to the nVidia website and install the proper driver.

98% of laptops do not have a dedicated graphics card, they use an integrated graphics processor.

You would only get drivers from nVidia if you have a dedicated (plug in) graphics card.

Puttin in a strong video card with low watt comptuer?

im trying to put on this video card

but only on 250watt. im trying to see if it will work. if it attatch it on and if doesnt, wat will happen to my cpu?|||It will slowly kill your computer.


Is it the video card, processor, or RAM making my graphics choppy?

I built a computer with a 60gb hard drive, 1.6ghz Pentium 4 processor (with Hyperthreading, but I have know idea how to enable it in Windows), and 768mb RAM (2 small, slow 128mb sticks and one 512mb PC3200 stick). My video card is a Radeon 9550 256mb card. My video card use to be in an old eMachines computer whose specs weren't as good as my current computer, and games played smoother on the old one than they do on the new one. The main game I play is MVP Baseball, and it's very annoying when in mid-pitch, the graphics start studder-stepping. It will run smooth for about 15-20 seconds, but then will be choppy until I pause the game. After I resume, for some reason, it's back to normal. (It is an 8X AGP port) Is the video card the problem, even though the game use to run fine on an eMachines with a AMD 1300+ Athlon processor and 384mb of RAM? Thanks|||1.6P4 has no hyper threading.....from what you ask seems like you built an Atari. You cant play these games on an ATARI|||either your video card or your monitor|||think about it

if the frames catch up after you pause it is obviously a memory problem

either the processor is getting caught up because too much is running, or the ram is caught up because too much is running.

ill put my money on the processor because it is behind all your other stats.

another note:are your 128 sticks PC3200? does your mobo support PC3200? if not your only using half the ram in your computer.|||Great question by the way. Todays highly demanding online games keep us constantly having to upgrade not only our SDram Memory, but having to upgrade our video cards to the lastest and greatest which can be expensive depending on your needs. That particular problem is mainly caused by the video card. If this is not the case, you need to check your DirectX and make sure that you have it's latest version as you might be having conflicts in that area. From your desktop, click on "start" "programs" "accessories" "system tools" "system info". Once inside, you'll see the "tools" tab at the top of the page. Once inside, you'll see the DirectX area and it's testing area. It will not only test the video facets, but the sound as well. Go thru each of the video tests. When shown the "bouncing ball" see if it too is choppy or moving normally. If you find that it too is choppy, go to and in the search box, type in DirectX and it will allow you to download the latest version. After the download, allow it to also install itself onto your hard drive. Then, be sure to restart the computer so that the new changes can take effect. If you still have the problem, hit me on and I'll help you with it until the problem is solved. Thanks for the great question. Larry RadioShack 01-9590|||Try removing the smaller ram sticks and run the game again,You may have a incompatible issue with the memory.|||You have to update the video card and put more ram|||1.6Ghz is not hyperthreaded at all don't lie to me because i can tell when you do so don't lie to me.|||Consider what graphics your using. Enable the HT in the BIOS look it up in the chip set. The HT will help some, but I would use more RAM if possible. Check the 3d accelerator. Try the RAM first then the others.|||take out the 128 sticks as they will slow down the rest of your ram

also it may be an idea to upgrade your processor

Is there a test so i can figure out my video card?

Help my video card has no info!!!!1|||Go to

Download FREE Belarc Advisor.

It will tell you just everything about your computer - both software and hardware.|||Start menu, right click my computer. Should say what kind a video card you have.

I LIKE TO PLAY FLIGHT SIM. ON MY LAPTOP is MY video card good enoughfor that?

TOSHIBA Satellite L45 - S7 423 work with Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium (32-bit version) Graphics8

Mobile Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 with 128MB-251MB dynamically allocated shared graphics memory.

For Flight sim I need to have a Video Card: 32MB DirectX 9 compatible do you think its gonna be work? with my X3100 ?|||If you leave the graphics all the way down, it should run all right.

Whats the best video card I can put into my alienware M9750?

Whats the best video card I can put into my alienware M9750?|||Better check a little closer, and see if it is indeed a form of MXM module used as a graphics card, or is simply Integrated Graphics.

Laptops GENERALLY, use Integrated Graphics. A Graphics chip that is soldered to the motherboard. Correct speak would be GPU.

Graphics Processing Unit.

A GPU can be installed on a graphics card module, (Graphics card adapter, for a desktop computer. MXM Module for a laptop), or installed directly on the motherboard.

Therefore, you can have two GPU'S installed on the motherboard, used as Integrated Graphics, and mistakenly referred to as graphics cards.

It isn't a graphics card. It can't be removed and changed to upgrade.

The reason I stated all this, is that some people think you can use a graphics card that goes into a desktop computer, and put it in a laptop.

This = No!

Here is a laptop that uses an actual graphics card, (MXM module)



Here is a look at one option of graphics card offered,…

Another laptop that uses an actual graphics card,…|||it already has it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you look for in a good video card?

What specs, specifically. Yes, I know the amount of RAM it has, but what else? What determines, for example, one 512mb card from another 512mb card?|||Yea, benchmarks is really the only sensible way to go. I use . The name of the product also says a lot once you get to know video cards.|||I could help you decide, email me if you want, tell me what you need a video card for and Ill let you know what a good card would be, also do you have a preference on what company the gpu is made by? (either Nvidia or ATI) I know more about Nvidia cards|||Actually, I really don't care about the amount of RAM it has. The RAM amount is VERY misleading. The only real way to compare video cards is with benchmarks.|||Go to a site that does benchmark tests and compare them there, that's the easiest way to tell which is better.

What kind of video card should I get for a toshiba satellite laptop, to play most newer games?

I can run Rome total war fine, but sid meier's pirates crashes while out to sea, due to the current video car not meeting the requirements|||sorry you can't up grade your card --it is none user replaceable

read this article sept issue 2008 page 82

get more out of your laptop

xplains why u can and cant replace certain parts in a laptop|||sorry laptops can't be upgraded except ram,hard drive and dvd drive|||You cannot upgrade the graphics card in that, or 99% of laptops. You're stuck with that graphics card.

Where can I buy a used quality AGP Video card in Baguio City, Philippines?

Where can I buy a used quality AGP Video card in BAguio City, Philippines|||offline, newegg,com

Would a video card that is compatible with Intel Pentium 4 fit into an Intel Pentium 4 processor 516?

Basically what the question asks, because i bought one that is compatible with Intel Pentium 4 but it doesn't seem to fit into my Intel Pentium 4 processor 516, the video card seems to be too big to fit into the computer. I was just wondering if i am doing something wrong or if it is not compatible... thanks.|||The video card has to be compatible with the motherboard, not the processor. If the video card is AGP and the motherboard only has PCI-Express slots, then it won't connect. Similarly, if the video card is PCI-Express and the motherboard has no PCI-Express slots, then again it won't connect.

What video card should I buy to hook up my computer to my HDTV?

I should note it is an older computer and I will only be using the card for arcade emulation and internet. I will not be running hard core 3D games, so keep that in mind when you recommend something! Thanks!|||You can get a Ati 7500 all in wonder graphics card. It is not an extreme card by any standards and will support the s-video option that you need to hook up to the TV.|||Any video card with a S-Video port in the back should do it. Otherwise you can see if your HDTV has a port to recieve a Projector plug, and you can get a video card with an additional projector port.

How do you figure out what kind of video card your motherboard can take? Im new to the inside of a computer.?

I have a ASRock ALiveNF6P-VSTA motherboard. i really need a card with DVI so i can get this lcd monitor i've had my eyes on for a while.

THNX|||how much do you have to spend?

there are many top quality cards to choose from

try this link


to better answer your question any PCIe x16 compatible video card. Note: some cards require a 4 pin power conector for additional power consumption, make sure your pOWer supply can handle the extra load, the video card itself should say somewhere in it specs what the recommended power supply wattage should be

also you may not need a new vdeo card (but you prolly do since your mobo has intergrated video) to hook an lcd monitor up you just need a converter like DVI to Hmdi, or Dvi to vga or vice versa

Can I change the video card in my laptop?

I want to play StarCraft II but the card is too low. Can I change it? Or is there somewhere I can take it to get it changed?|||No. It's part of the Motherboard...

You need to buy a laptop w/ a high end Video Card Already...

Prepare to pay for it...|||Max out the system ram on your laptop if you have not already done so. Use the system monitor utility to check out the baseline activity, that is, to make sure there are no other programs running at the same time that you play your games. Viruses can tie up valuable system resources to slow things down a lot. Run an anti-virus and update your windows on a regular basis.|||No, you can not. Most laptop video cards are built into the motherboard.

Some newer laptops or larger ones have video cards as an expansion but the form and shape of them are still customized, and you'll be really hard pressed to find an upgrade for a particular motherboard.|||absoulutly either go to a local computer store to buy it and have it installed :)|||lol

Is there a way to upgrade your video card for laptop? Please Help?

i have a pretty good laptop, but for some games i need a good video card, and all i have is stock.

i know its not like a comp where i can just take the card out and replace it but maybe can i send it in somewhere? any ideas? please help, i really wanna play cod mw2 =)|||The video/graphics card is a chip set made into the mother board and is not replaceable or upgradable except on some high end gaming lap tops where it is made as an external card.|||Your only hope is to get an external video card. But I'm not sure they have the quality you will need!|||Two things you can do.

1. You can buy a usb video card

2. You can alocate more memory to your graphics card in the bios.

PC, Laptop & Mac Repair Service

Can my video card run left 4 dead 1?

I have an intergrated video card. It is the Intel® HD graphics with 1759mb shared video memory. Do you think it can run left 4 dead, even if i put it on lowest settings? I played fear 2 and it runs very smooth, so do u think my card can handle left 4 dead?|||if you can run fear 2, then L4D should run decent.

if i recall correctly, Fear 2 is intensive on the video card. And left 4 dead ( Source engine ) is intensive on the Processor. So as long as you have a decent processor, you should be able to run L4D fine.

Is there a way to share video card memory with ram memory?

My video memory ran out!!!!!!!|||umm im kinda confused at what your saying... but yeah the video card pulls memory from ram... thats why when you look at system properties it shows lower numbers than in dxdiag

How to update video card drivers?

Whenever i try to open some new PC games on my SONY VAIO, a message comes saying "could not find compatible direct3d devices with required capabilities. Make sure you have current drivers for your video card" How to solve this problem??|||first go to

register free and download software it can give all latest drivers for your p.c

even then if the problem prevails buy a graphic card.

you can get a nvidia 8 series graphic card 512 mb for 3-4k max.

happy gaming|||The easiest way to update your drivers is to get driver update software. I say this because manually updating your drivers can be dangerous if you don’t know EXACTLY what you are doing. If you do not match the driver to your exact system specifications, the computer can freeze up, get errors, blue screens, and all kinds of nasty things.

The best course of action is to download an excellent driver update program which will match the required drivers to your exact system specifications. Scan your computer for free at:|||The problem is likely not your video card drivers, but the video card itself. It's very likely that your video card cannot handle the games. You can check the Sony site for the video card drivers, but I wouldn't expect it to work.

How do i know my Video card version?

i lost the copy of the disk and also the manual, etc..

meaning i dont totally know the version of my video card driver

all i know is it is GeForce XFS|||I don't know about GeForce, but some computers have it on the back of the console, while others have it on System and Maintenance.

To get to System and Maintenance, you open your Start bar, and press on Computer. Then you click on the top bar that says System Properties. Then you explore from there.

If I didn't help ya, then sorry mate, just keep looking!

Will this video card work in my computer?

I have a Dell Dimension E521 and I am interested in getting a ATi Radeon X550XT PCI-Express 26x card Video Card for my desk top (for example, click here... Does anyone know if this video card will fit into my computer? Also, does anyone know how good the quality of this card is? Thank you.|||Yes, this card will fit in your computer, it is only a good to average card however and won't blow you away with its quality.

How do i keep my video card (AGP) from falling out of place??

this isn't as bad as it sounds, but it's so annoying. my video card didn't come with a screw to hold my video card in place. what kind of screw should i use to hold it in place? or is there another way to safely hold the card in place?|||It's quite a generic screw, you can find it on most old PC casing. If not, try any screw that can hold it in place and doesn't block or interfere with any component.

Most new casing dosn't need screws.|||Take one of the four screws out of your power supply which are on the back and use it!|||have you checked that it is in the right slot?|||You can usually use the screws from your hard disk or casing. The place which sold you the video card should have some spare screws too.|||There are screws in the back of your cabinet. You can use them to attach the graphics card.|||Tada!!! Another USE for Duct Tape!!!

I'm gonna rush this news bleep out to Mr. Red-Green, right away!!!

1,002 uses for Duct Tape!!!

Is it okay to use a higher ampere output to a video card?

I already have a power supply which outputs @ 25A. The graphics card im looking at requires 18A on the 12V rail.

Is it alright to use that power supply for the graphics card, as long as it is AT LEAST 18A?|||Absolutely. In fact, having more power available than needed is something you really want to have for a video card.

Monday, May 7, 2012

What is the best video card?

Just wanted to know what is the best video card out right now as we speak?|||The 4870x2 has more potential though. ATI as waiting for other graphics card makers to release something better than the 4870x2. When that happens, they will activate some thing in the crossfire bridge to increase it's performance dramatically.|||The best single video card is the gtx285. The best dual-pcb card is either the gtx295 or 4870x2.|||ATi - 4870X2

Nvidia - 295GTX

The ATi one wont be there for long as the HD5000 or RV870

will be up for buys soon and that will take the checkered flag for 09.|||The GTX 285 will give you the best consistent performance.

Some games do scale well with multiple GPUs though, and in that case the GTX 295 is generally the best (it outperforms the 4870x2, which is another good videocard for games that scale well with multiple GPUs).

Will a 2.1 pcie video card work on a pcie 2.0 slot?

I have an ECS a780 v1.1 motherboard and i plan to but a video card but the one i am planning to get an HIS 6970 IceQ or an XFX 6870|||They're compatible. PCIe 2.1 is the same as PCIe 2.0 from an end-user and performance standpoint. The differences with 2.1 are things for support and troubleshooting that will be carried over into PCIe 3.0, things that will matter to developers, programmers, and testers.|||yes yes

get hd 6970 it's way faster

Why does my Video Card change to a lower setting?

I've noticed that sometimes my video color quality changes from the highest 32 bit to medium 16 bit. And the screen resolution drops down to the lowest setting.

I run spybot regularly, a virus checker and have McAfee Firewall. |||You must update your driver

if it is a pc, open it while turned off, take the video card out and put it back in. close your pc.

if it is a laptop, you need to still update your video card driver and run it only on 1024x768, this is the setting most pcs run smoothly.

try this setting for awhile, if everything was ok then change it to one higher than this. if it changed back to lowest setting then you have to accepe the 1024x768 setting or take it to where you bought it from and say it is faulty or to suggest you new video card so it could be replaced.

Third option is to uninstall your video card driver and install it again, but you must have your driver cd or download it from internet.|||Might be drivers but make sure that you connected you monitor correctly ( if it's LCD you should be able to connect it directly to graphics card via DVI connection )

Blue screen after new video card?

So I got a new video card NVidia GTX 440 I believe, I installed the drivers, all my games detected it and now I can play with much higher graphics. I thought it was going fine. But then I minimized the screen while playing MW3 and I got a blue screen and it dumped all "previous memory files". I thought it migt just be MW3, it happened the same way on Skyrim too. Anyone know why it's doing this?|||The most likely problem is bad drivers. Check the Nvidia website and download the latest.

Another problem is that this may be hardware related. Make sure the card is correctly seated in the bus. It doesn't hurt to remove it and put it back in firmly.|||uninstall all drivers. restart. redownload drivers from nvidia website. install drivers. restart. report back.

i had a card that was 100% fine while not playing games. in games it would artifact and run super slow...might be a bad card|||Yeah as already previously answered, you may need to update the drivers or get extra software to get them to work.

I installed an nvidia geforce fx 5500 256 mb video card but only 128 mb is shown when I run dxdiag,why is that?

I installed one 256 mb video card! NOT two 128 mb!|||Try to other programs one is cpu-z at and speccy at

see what results you"ll get if both reads the same 128 mb then did you download the latest graphic

driver at nvidia .com which is ver.175.19 , if it still reads 128 mb then the graphic card is defective , dxdiag is not that accurate

Would this video card be right for my computer and The Sims 3 PC games?

I was searching for a video card and stumbled upon one on WalMart. It is a EVGA GeForce FX5200 128MB 8X AGP video card. Note that I have a Windows Vista ™ Home Premium. Would this video card be right for my computer and The Sims 3 PC games?|||it will run it but not at high quality and it wont give you reasonable fps . if your looking wanting to play games at high fps i would suggest getting a hd 4890 or something like that. i know the hd4890 is a little more expensive but its a good investment and will play any game you want at reasonable frames|||i bought my daughter sims 3 and sims 3 world adventure for chrismas. i also had to buy a video card and some ram. the games won't play and i can't figure it out. i bought the card from on the list of sims3 requirements. i even checked her pc on systemrequirements lab and it passed with flying colors. i've tried everything for about 7 hours. she opened up both sims 3 so i can't take them back. everything cost me about 180 dollars which really sucks.|||That card wouldn't be able to run the sims 3.

Also have you checked on your motherboard it see if it has an AGP 8x slot?

If it is a new computer it probably doesn't (AGP is old technology.)

I would need at least to know the model of your computer (ie: dell inspiron (numbers here) or hp pavilion (numbers here)) To be able to tell you what graphics cards would work with your computer.|||I think we need a little more information. Could you post a link to your computer specifications to see if this is an upgrade and if this is compatible? But before all of that, this card would probably not work with Sims 3, as it has the minimum requirements for the graphics card for Sims 3 and it is not on the supported list. Second, you most likely could get a better card for your money, like either a 7 series or lower 8 series for pretty cheap (read: less than $100)|||If you can find the 7800gt for the AGp, don't think they still make AGP cards. IT HAS to be an AGP card, Pci-express won't work, if not get the best one for the regular PCI slot.

Whats the difference between RAM and Video Card RAM?

I just started playing World of Warcraft and when I installed the game, it showed a message that said the minimum requirement for RAM wasn't met, but the game runs fine usually. I have every setting on the lowest possible and the game usually runs between 15 fps and 45 fps just depending on what area I'm in (ex. a city full of people compared to an empty room). I was just curious if increasing the amount of RAM in my computer would improve performance or if I would have to buy a video card with more RAM on it (my current one is a GeForce FX5500 with 256mb of RAM I think). Also, would I have to switch from my current video card back to the motherboard one if I just increase the computer's RAM? Sorry if this doesn't make much sense... but thanks in advance for any help you can give!|||The message you received means that you do not have sufficient system memory, your video card should work fine as it meets the minimum requirements for WoW. You need to check your system specifications sheet for your motherboard to determine what type, speed, and maximum capacity of memory it supports. It wouldn't hurt to know how much you currently have installed and what speed it is, then add more memory to reach a minimum total of 1gig, but 2gig would be better provided your motherboard supports that much. What you are looking for on the spec sheet is does your motherboard use SDRAM, DDR, DDR2, speeds like PC2100, PC2700, PC3200, PC2-6400, etc. It might list speeds like 266mhz, 333mhz, or 400mhz also, these are represented by the first three listings I showed of PC#### above respectively.

Video cards with dedicated memory do not increase the normal system resource memory which you are failing to meet, that is entirely different memory for a specific purpose.|||Your video card is sufficient for this game.

There's two types of ram (in this senario). There is System memory, and Video memory.

You have enough video memory, no questions asked.

You DO however need some more system memory, this is cheap you can buy some on or your local computer store.|||You have RAM chips on your motherboard, some mother boards have two slots some have four.

RAM comes in 64MB (very old), 128MB (also very old),

256, 512 and 1GB. Doubles each time.

Video Cards need memory also and on most computers the Video cards uses (steals) some RAM from the Mother board.

That is why when you open up System in Control Panel and the RAM number is something less that what you think you have.

High End Video Cards have their own RAM on board, usually around 128MB or 256MB. There is a story I read that there will be a Video Card out soon with it's own 1GB of RAM...WoW!

Hope this helps clear the cobwebs.

Bill|||cuoc do`j that la vovi faj? hok cac ban|||Well, I have to add something. having 256VRAM doesn't mean it is enough. why ? Basically, VRAM is a RAM that is specially used to processing video data, while the normal RAM will process any data. however, 1 thing that is not yet mentioned here is the VGA processing Power.

If, the processing power of the VGA is slow, the data will end up using VRAM more that it was necessary in terms of time. so for example (I'm using ATI radeon as an example because I only use it ^^)

you have a 9800XT with 256 Mb RAM (9800 is a top model around year 2000)

You have a X1900 with 256Mb RAM (top model around 2006)

it doesn't mean the same. first, see the RAM type. one is using 256Mb DDR2 RAM and the other is 256 Mb DDR3 RAM. so even though the size of RAM is the same, the processing power is not. for your case, I would recommend you to buy a new VGA card. you will see the difference. but remember that in online game, the connection speed also matter....

Will this low quality video card work for WoW?

Alright so I have an old comp and I'm just checking out the specs. The video card is very poor but im wondering if it is good enough to play World of Warcraft on low settings?|||WoW is extremely low graphics requirements. Of course, we can't really tell you if we don't know what card it is.

EDIT: Yeah that card should run WoW on at least low or medium settings.|||On low? Yes, but only barely.

Installing a new video card, what do I do to deactivate the old one?

I just bought a GTX 260, and currently have a GeForce 7300 installed. Do I need to deactivate the old one, or do I just take out the old card and pop in the new one, and boot up my computer?|||Take the old one out, put the new one in, run the monitor on the integrated card or the old one long enough to install the new card's drivers though, or you're going to get a black screen.|||Just take the old one out and put in the new one (assuming the old one isn't an integrated video card)|||Uninstall the drivers from the old one and then pop the new one in and install that one.|||First,delette the old video card driver then remove the video card.

Second,install the new video card and run its installation software.|||There wil be option called UNINSTALL in your device manager for your driver so do it and then install the new one

Does the power source hook directly to the video card?

I am looking into getting a new power source to support my new video card - an nVidia Geforce 6200 AGP with 256mb ddr. Looking through power sources, I notice that most of them don't have any kind of connector for an AGP item, but I've heard that some cards require this. Will my new card require to be hooked right to the power source or will it be powered through the motherboard? Thanks!

7th|||Not all video cards draw a current from the power source. Some of the newer cards have increased memory size, higher clock speeds, more fans and other things that increase their size and complexity, and therefore require more juice to operate. I had an ATI 9700 Pro that was an AGP card that drew a current from the power source in addition to the motherboard power current. By looking at the pictures I have seen of this card, there are no power input slots on the card, so I do not believe that this card will need to be plugged in. If it does, it will likely not require more than a floppy drive power connector, meaning it would draw very little power at all. Hope this helps!|||To my knowledge power supplies feed and AGP card through the motherboard. On the other hand some new PCI-e video cards have a power supply jack and are powered directly from the power supply. I believe these to mainly be SLI cards.|||Sorry for laughing but I have recomposed myself to answer no. It connects to your mother board. It has other connections for better operating but power comes through the mother board. Just make sure your power supply has enough watts.

Will this video card cause problems?

I just bought a new computer and wanted to upgrade the video card. The video card requires a 300 watt power supply. My computer's TOTAL power supply is 300 watts, so is it okay to use this video card? I don't want it causing problems with the CPU or anything.|||No problem at all. The companies state the requirements of power supply calculating the processor and motherboard power usages. So if they have stated 300 watt, that means you need 300 watt power supply irrespective of what other computer parts use up.|||you have to upgrade your PSU coz your graphic card will not get the required power to run and will eventually not perform well and you might get a burned PSU after few hours may be minutes.. well if your PSU is really a good one like cooler master or sth then you can give it a try but no guarantee..|||no problems|||psu will need upgrading as well

as its a one off get a 500watt one

Will call of duty modern warfare 2 for pc work on an Intel HD Graphics 3000 video card?

i am getting a computer for school and unfortunately i have to pick one of their recommended ones. But i love to play computer games and every time i try to play this game on an older computer it always tells me one of 2 messages- either 1) graphics card not supported or 2) video card does not support alpha blending..

what does this mean and is there a way around it|||Modern warfare 2 has lower requirement's than most modern games.

An Intel HD graphics 3000 is an integrated graphics chipset, probably one of the best but still not as good as a dedicated video card. It would most likely be able to let you play Mw2 on native res. with low setting's.

if you want to play games on a laptop sufficiently but not the best of the best than tell us your budget and I can recommend a much better laptop.|||Intel HD 3000 is a lousy video chip for 3D games, but should run MW2 in 800x600. Make sure you have the latest drivers from Intel, and not Microsoft supplied WDDM drivers (often automatically installed via Windows Update), I think they completely lack hardware OpenGL support.|||Only at low details, COD-MW2 runs smoothly on the Intel HD Graphics 3000. We recorded 26 fps for the Intel GMA HD at low settings (800x600, low, 0xAA)

Will a video card display image without an OS?

Will a video card display any image on a monitor when theres no OS installed??|||Some will, my video card displays a startup message stating the card name and type and everything and will also display the motherboard bios without an OS installed. However I wouldn't call those 'images' so I guess it depends on what you mean by that.|||Depending on your situation and whether the video card is integrated or on PCI-E or another slot. You will most likely, if not certainly be able to view things on the screen without an OS. It is very rare or unlikely that you would need the OS but other wise, it should be fine. Either way, why would the manufacturer make the product to make it mandatory to have the OS when you need to be able to view the screen to install the OS anyways!|||most will if your talking about in the bios. if you dont have an image on the screen on post try the on-board or a different card and check see if there might be something mis-configured in there

might have to change the primary display. also make sure the computer is posting it should beep once to say it has completed|||Nope. You Need drivers for the card to operate, and drivers are usually part of the OS|||Define "image".

What video card should i get?

I have the ati radoen 9250 for almost 2 years. It's now time for me to switch a new video card. I want one that isn't expensive, which cost round 80 to 70 dollars Canadian money. Must be a very good for gaming, like improves the frame rate.Which one should i get?|||9250s are in PCI and in AGP, so make sure of which one you have. Now, first of all, 80 Canadian is not going to be enough to really get you anything decent. Save up another 20 or 30 Canadian and you'll get something literally twice as powerful. Though, if you do have PCI, you're still kind of out of luck. The best card would be an X1550, which is much better than a 9250, but isn't going to run games all that great. With AGP though, you've got plenty of options, but you're still going to want to save a little more money.|||this one is ok its better than the one you have… it won't run new games at anything above low but it will run games form 2005 and under pretty well|||Look here:…

Prices are US but a month old so probably about right.

I hope this helps.

Jim|||look heres my suggestion, as much as i hate to say it, you cant get a decent card for that little anymore, and if you did you would have to replace it soon anyway, with all these high end games coming out now.

anything in the nvidea ge-force line is good

in particular i like the 8900 gt

its around 200-300

If i buy xfx 8600 gt xxx video card will i have to buy sli powersupply?

I have an Acer T180 vista home prem.I was wanting to upgrade my graphics with XFX 8600 GT XXX video card.I will need a power supply too,because it is 250w. my Question is if I buy this video card will I have to buy SLI power supply too?OR would any over 350w work?|||Get a 400W power supply or better, and no, you do not need a SLI Powersupply unless you are going to run two graphics cards

Can sims 3 run on my laptop if only the video card is not good enough?

Minimum: 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0 (NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 or above / ATI Radeon 9500 or above / Intel GMA 3-series or above)

I Have: ATI RADEON XPRESS 200M Series (ATI display adapter (0x5A62))|||No. If your video card fails the minimum, it won't run. Even if you could get it going, it would be too slow to be playable. The 200m is an older shared memory card|||its your processor you need to consider

Some graphics cards require vista to run, be aware.

play with this

Can this computer run that game?


Run this program and click the red "We Recommend" where appropriate.…

Note Halo2 is demanding on the operating system, see what it recommends

Crysis Warhead is demanding on the video card, see what it recommends.

Far Cry and FEAR is demanding on the processor.

WOW is a general all rounder, not as demanding as above.

When you see the Pass result at the top, look carefully as it shows the minimum to the best performance for that game., even though it pass, it may not be enough for maximum settings., so check the resultant Green chart ruler line at the top.

Click the Red fail tab as well.

Note: Sims 3 is listed under T.

I got sims 3 for my Laptop, and it says I need to upgrade my video card. What now?

For graduation my grandma got me the sims 3 and when I try to play it it says I need to upgrade my video card. What do I do now. Is there any solution. HELP!|||get a new video card?|||You would need to replace your video card. This is the tricky part finding a spare part for laptop upgrades is harder compared to desktops. To been ensured that the spare part your purchasing is compatible with your motherboard, visit your manufacturer's website. They could assist you in exploring the possibility of upgrading your laptop.|||Checked this site if your system doesnt match the requirements then you cant run it in your laptop. But you can install it on desktop and you can upgrade the desktop as per the checklist.|||Hello,

You will need to get a laptop capable of running The Sims 3.

This unit below is more than capable of playing the game.…

I hope this information was useful for you. Best answer, please!|||If your computer is a laptop, there is nothing you can do other than replace your laptop.

If it is a desktop, then buy a better video card and install it.|||you cant upgrade you video card on a laptop. your SOL theres nothing u can do it except install it on a desktop that can run it.|||Upgrade your video card

I need a decent low profile video card that will run on a 240w power supply, any suggestions?

Card will need to run counter strike source well.|||LOL, are you kidding me? a 240W power supply? you might want to kick that up to at least 450W and get like a XFX 9800GT 512MB for 99 bucks AFTER a 30 dollars rebate. Check with . A 450W and that card should be around 180-200 BEFORE the rebate. That card WILL run CSS fine.

Is this video card/graphics card good or better for Modern Warfare 2 PC?

I wanna get this video card/graphics card for MW2, XFX - ATI RADEON HD 4650 1GB DDR2 PCI Express Graphics Card. Is this good or better for MW2 PC? Like the graphics and stuff? If you have any recommendations under $90 PLZ! Thnks! :)|||ya it should run the game nicely at low settings.but if u are looking upto 90 bucks u can get far better cards like 4670,5570,geforce 9600.among which i would personally prefer 9600gt.For more info about budget gaming ca3d go to following link:,2544-3.html|||The 4650 is not a good deal. Get at least an ATI HD 4670. Prices have dropped. The 9600 GT is a good card but uses more power and needs a 6 pin power connector.

ATI HD 4670



Check out these gameplay videos (HD 4670)…|||That should be good enough to play MW 2, low settings at least. Under 90 bucks you wont find a good video card. Your options open up when you look into the 150-250 buck area. I think that card will do, just dont run on high settings. It also depends on the CPU and Memory installed in the system.|||I have this card, I played Modern Warfare 2 smoothly on it :)

Is my video card really that bad as they say?

Hello.I recently bought a laptop-Toshiba Satelite L30 with an ATI Express 200 video card(up to 256MB) although it's 128Mb.Is my video card good or it sucks?|||You have a very good card for a laptop. so no it doesn't suck.

If someone complains tell them to get you a better one.|||It depends on what game you're trying to play...

If you're playing, say at least Doom3, then expect slow speeds, and if anything more recent than that.... Expect even slower speeds.|||Its decent for a laptop. People generally don't run Half-Life 2 on laptops so there's not a big demand for high dollar high power integrated laptop video, plus it kills battery life.

Do you have to get a special kind of Video Card for Laptops?

I have a laptop and it has a bad video card so I was wondering if you have to get a special kind of Video Card for a Laptop?|||While it is possible to upgrade a laptop video card it is not an easy thing to accomplish. I would recommend not even attempting to upgrade it. I would just buy a new laptop. If you really want to though this site should help.…|||can't change it in a laptop|||You do NOT have to have a special kind.

It IS possible to change them out.

Instead of attempting it yourself. I would recommend going to best buy, and consulting them. Pick one out, and allow them to keep your laptop and change it. If there's a real easy way to switch out or upgrade, you might ask them about it and do that instead.|||You can't swap out the graphics card in a laptop- they're often soldered down to the motherboard, and when they aren't, it's difficult to replace unless you have the exact same model card (sizes and electrical pinouts are not standard)

Your best bet is to have the original manufacturer replace it if you're still under warranty. Otherwise, your laptop is dead.

Optiplex MT GX620 video card for gaming?

I am contemplating buying a new video card because mine is integrated. I want my computer to be able to play anything an xbox 360 can. I have a pentium 4 3.2 ghz and 3.5 gb of ram. I really want to know, is the 4770 radeon recommended? Will I have to upgrade my 305W stock psu? I can't find any answers for my specific computer and am new at installing anything but RAM!|||No...

You'll need a new CPU, since the Pentium 4s are all outdated, and can't play any recent games. However, they only use the 478 socket, and the most powerful processor on that is the P4. Thus, you'll need to buy a new CPU and motherboard. However, the RAM associated with your current motherboard probably won't work for a newer one (it could, but it's not something I'll bet on), so you'll probably be looking at some new RAM. Then to support it all, you'll probably need to get a better PSU. Then you can look for a video card.

If you plan to keep your current CPU and stuff (your PSU works), then buying a 4770 will be a waste of money. It will be severely bottlenecked by your CPU, and won't reach it's potential.

What do you think about this Video card?

What do u think About this Video Card? Do u think its good?

Thanks !|||hey there...i am using xfx nvidia 9500 gt 512 mb pci e. mine is working good..i think msi will work good as well....but u need to have a combination of good hardware to play games i mean its not just about cards...hard drive,ram and processor speed is also important..hope you find my answer|||It's a good card, but for just a tad more, this one is much better:…

What video card would be best?

I am looking to buy a video card for my desktop but, im not sure what i should get that would be good for gaming and safe for my comp.

Computer: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.20GHz 768 MB of RAM

It has an integrated chip set: Intel(R) 82845G Graphics Controller.|||I was just googling and came across this product hope it helps you

XFX Radeon HD 5770 1GB DDR5 PCIE Graphics Card

The XFX HD5770 provides one of the best gaming experiences possible with some of the latest advances in GPU technology.…

Also check out at Ebay…|||…

This shows that you probably have an AGP slot. You will need an AGP video card.

Download PCWizard and check the Mainboard tab, See if it says AGP 8x or PCI-E x16.…

Since your Processor isn't the fastest in the world, that 5770 video card showcased above would not be utilized. The CPU feeds the video card. It would be a waste of money.

If you do indeed have AGP, here is your selection...…

The 4650 AGP edition is the best one for your rig.…

If it turns out that you have PCI-Ex16 slot, than a GT 220 / 9500gt / 4650

What kind of video card do I need?

I want to be able to play Age of Empire 3 and the new Total war games on my PC. It is a new Dell PC and has a standard video card. I can play games like Age of Empires 2 but that seems to be the most it can handle. What are the upgrades necessary to play these games?|||Thats a hard quest to answer without knowing your pc model num|||System Requirements for Age of Empires III:

Microsoft® Windows® XP

PC with 1.4 GHz equivalent or higher processor

256 MB of system RAM

2 GB available hard disk space

32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive

64 MB video card with support for hardware transformation and lighting required

Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio

Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

56.6 Kbps or better modem for online play

System requirements for Medieval II: Total War:

Windows 2000/XP/Vista

1.8 GHz Processor

512 MB RAM

11GB uncompressed free Hard disk space

128 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible Graphics card

DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit Sound card

8x Speed DVD-ROM drive|||I recommend getting a GeForce 6800x, it's what I have and it runs practically everything you throw at it|||I don't know exactly what kind of video card that game requires, but GForce has the best video cards out there. i would research them :)

What good video card is between $10-$70 Dollars?

I need a video card that can play 256 MB video card.|||No decent video card costs as little as that.

Is a good graphics card required to edit 720p HD video on laptop?

I was once told I'll need a 1 GB dedicated card, but someone just told me yesterday, intel HD 3000 could do the trick.

All other specs I know for a fact are up to par (2nd gen i5 core and so forth), but my question is in the card? Also does screen size play a part?|||Whoever told you that you needed a 1GB dedicated card to edit 720p HD video was lying. An Intel HD 3000 will definitely do the trick. If you want to play games, then go with the 1GB dedicated graphics card. If you're going to be editing a lot, you may want to consider going with an i7 quad core processor, but an i5 dual core processor should get the job done. Screen size does not play a part, the resolution may, but I am assuming your screen is 1366x768 (720p HD).|||You need a good CPU -- so long as you have a CPU capable of doing 4 threads at once, like a Core i5 Sandy Bridge CPU, you are good.

A GPU is not actually a requirement -- you can edit video using CPU power alone. Some programs will allow you to use your GPU to do some processing though -- but the results are never as good as one done using X86 processors.

What video card can fit on MSI 785GM-E65 Motherboard w/ onboard video over 512mb?

MSI 785GM-E65 Motherboard w/ onboard video wat video card can fit on it over 512mb|||It also depends on if there's enough space in your case and if you have enough power to run it in your computer but any PCix16 or PCi x16 2/0 will work on that mobo...just go to a site that sells them and get to the video cards page and in the advanced search put where it says memory size put the one you would like and view the ones that have that memory capacity...

I want to install GTA SA but i need a 64mb video card i only got a 34mb card if i install it what will happen?

if i install the game enter it to see if it works (burnt copy) will there be any damage to the video card|||It will not allow you to run it. It might not even allow you to install it!

GTA & all other games/applications ask for a certain amount of physical or RAM memory so they can swap & execute files once per access correctly. The program needs to load all of a file & will not operate using bits of it.

No! It will do no harm to your computer, except, maybe, allow you to put a useless bunch of files on your media!|||It will probably play terribly with a bunch of glitches. That's what happened several years ago when my friend tried installing Vice City which requires 16 mb onto a machine that only had 8 mb. If it installs at all

But no, it won't do any hardware damage|||no. you shouldn't damage your video card. the game will probably give you an error before it even installs.

same thing happened to me when i tried to install Black and White 2.|||The best thing to do is to upgrade your video card. 34MB video RAM is ancient. You need at least a graphics card with 128MB of video RAM. This way, the game will install successfully and wouldn't destroy your PC. By the way, if you only have a pentium III CPU, upgrade it too. As well as the RAM ( not the one on the card but the main RAM. You should have at least 256MB of it though it is still slow and 1GB or so is the way to go.

How can I identify a video card?

I recently purchased a used computer but I need the drivers for the card. I know that it is a "nvidia geforce" but i cant find anyplace to look up the serial number.|||For the most part the driver/software you download use the same file

after you install the drivers it will tell you lol|||a video care will usually have a female connection at one end of it that allows a male monitor plug to plug in into it.|||the cereal number is on the inside of the monitor box. you have to unscrew your monitor and flip it upside down to see it. sometimes you have to flash a decoder light on it to see it, this is to prevent theft. I know this is a fact becuase the man at wal mart told me how computers are made and how they run and use energy like human cells. just think of the video card as a DandA part of the cell. how it operates the hole computer.

hope this answer helps!!!|||Nvidea uses a unified driver for their Geforce line. That means that all Geforce cards use the same driver. You can download it from Nvidia's site.|||serial should be on a piece of small paper on the card this is the serial number if not then sorry its the only place that can be|||control panel system device tab it should tell you there what ur video card is and should have a button that says upgrade now and will ask you if you want to look on the hard drive or connect to the internet to get the drivers for it I hope that i was some help best of luck|||If you just need the drivers, you don't need the serial number.

start - run - type "dxdiag" - click the dispay tab.

That should give you the information needed to download the correct drivers

What would cause a video card to fail?

what would cause a video card to fail?

my computer screen is flickering slightly and the bottom half of the screen is a different color tint and lags when i move my curser.

could this be caused by a failing video card?|||overheating/broken fan. or it could just be a loose cable, or one with a bent pin|||It's probably overheating. Download MSI Afterburner, EVGA Precision, or Nvidia Control Monitor and check how hot the temperatures are getting while gaming. If it's 90*c + it's probably broken. Most GPUs can take 80*c for long periods of time, but it'll decrease the life by about a year or so.|||It could be that the video card has reached its limit. A little more information on make and model would help you more. Some problems would be a defect in the card, not enough power from the psu, bad drivers, or even not installing the gpu properly in the pci slots. *videocards dont have pins*

Finding video card slot without opening case?

My friend wants to pick up a video card for his computer, but he doesn't want to open the case just to see what type of card he should get. Is there any way to find out without opening the case? Thanks!|||If it's a Windows PC, ask your friend to open Properties by right-clicking My Computer on the desktop, then choose Device Manager under the Hardware tab. Here he'll find the display adapter(s) and the list of different USB, video/graphics- and sound- card slots. The graphics slots can be PCI for older systems, AGP and/or PCI-Express for newer ones. It can be also checked by pressing Delete to enter BIOS during booting and viewing the component configuration there. Your friend can also use the free SiSandra Lite hardware look-up tool available from to see the PC's installed devices in detail.|||He can either check the manuals that came with hid computer or go to the computer's manufacturer's website and enter his particualr model number under the support section.|||Tell him to stop being lazy and undo the 2 screws that hold the side cover on!|||The only other ways to find out rather than opening that damn case is having the motherboard manual in hand|||Windows (if he runs windows)

Start>Allprograms>accessories>systemto… information

in the hardware section you can find if the video card info.|||Tell him to download System Information For Windows from

It'll tell him all he needs to know about his computers hardware. Including what motherboard he has. Once he knows what motherboard he has, he can google it and see what graphics card slot it has and therefore what cards it will support.

How can I change video card?

I recently changed my hard drive,and now my chess game is not 3d,and I can not change the window appearance,what should I do,do I have to change my video card?|||Did you reinstall video drivers for your card after installing new hd? Download newest drivers from site.

What is your favorite ATI video card brand and why? (TRUE FACTS ONLY)?

I plan on buying a new video card because the ASUS 48701G DK causes my monitor to go blank while playing games like mass effect 2 modern warfare 2 etc. I plan on buying the 5870 from sapphire but first I want to know what brand has best customer support, quality of card etc.

and don't mention ASUS because their card causes problems and I couldn't even get help from customer support.

Thanks in advance!|||In my opinion XFX has pretty beastly support. I have an XFX HD 5870. They have like 5 year online support and a lifetime warranty (i think). Plus their card is wicked looking :). I don't have anything against any other brands of cards, by the way.

Will dual video card using SLI ready improve the gaming performance ?

im using NVIDIA 9500 GT 1GB and it is GREAT in gaming performance , My question is if i plugged in another 9500 GT 1GB and connected them with eachother using SLI tech in order to make DUAL VIDEO CARD . WILL IT IMPROVE THE GAMING PERFORMANCE . will i be able to play CRYSIS at very high details > with x16 Antialiasing with each game ? will it improve 100% ? i want every details . thnx|||You'd be better off selling that 9500 GT and getting a single GTX 260 instead.

SLi doesn't give you double the performance -- especially not in Crysis. The game itself has to be coded in a way that utilizes multiple GPU's, and even then you're looking at around a 50-60% boost with a second card installed.

What kind of resolutions are you running in your games anyway? The 9500 GT barely runs a decent first person shooter from 2008... let alone Crysis.|||The real question here is the specs on your motherboard and your processor.

You can have SLI enabled, crushing the two most powerful cards out there but if you have a cruddy processor or a motherboard with only 800MHz front side bus you're going to have one heck of a bottleneck.

Can we get more info on your motherboard / processor?

p.s. I crossfire my cards (AMD's version of nVidia's SLI) and it certainly does boost the performance, but its not double what one card does. I've never seen it double it. So instead of spending the money to SLI it all and deal with the headache's of getting it to work (trust me there are a lot of them) I'd just save up and get a better, badder card.|||I am afraid the answer is NO. Most people believe that SLI or CF will give them twice the processing power of the Video Cards and that is wrong, first if you connect 2 Nvidia GPUs in SLI each of the same type (this case 9500 core 550MHz 1GB) you won't have a 2GB 1.1 GHz System, the master card is 550MHz - 1 GB so the entire system will be tied to that specs. Crysis is one of the most demanding games nowadays and even 2 9500's SLI connected won't be able to give you a smooth game play, at least not maxed out. Is not the same to play a game 1280*1024 maxed out than @ 1680* 1050 or higher.

So my best advice for you is: Save until you have the money to buy a better GPU, buying video cards is an investment so be wise on how you spend your money, buy a GPU that will work with Crysis now and the kind of games you want to play in the future.

Can i replace the video card in an acer aspire one a150 netbook with a better one?

is there anything i can do to get a better video card in this thing|||No, unless you decide to replace the motherboard. Doing so probably wouldn't be worth the time and money. Netbooks, like laptops, have integrated video chipsets. Integrated graphics cannot be taken out and replaced since they are integrated into the motherboard.

The least I can do is to recommend you to try freeing up as much resources as you can when you want to push the video on the netbook. Close all other applications, keep your registry clean, keep your hard drive trimmed, or if you want to go all out, do a clean restore on your hard drive. Doing so removes any pre-installed junk programs that come with a new netbook.|||Agreed, unless your laptop is specific, it usually can't be changed, the only one I know is an Acer Aspire 7474G - I of course have the one that is integrated and unchangeable. But the G series of the aspire do have user-replaceable graphics cards. But yea like Pertient said, you're kinda stuck especially with a netbook.

Computer is crashing after video card changed?

I recently replaced my video card with this new one (ASUS ENGTX550 Ti DC/DI/1GD5), and whenever i try run any game, it crashes after about a minute of playtime. My monitor will just say no signal and go off. And the sound is like frozen when this happens. I can only force switch off my computer and turn it back on.. Please help? possible compatibility issues concerning power-supply or motherboards????|||I would look to the power supply. That is a big honkin' video card that requires a minimum 400w power supply.

Guitar Hero 3 on my PC lags bad. I have 2gb memory and 160 hard drive. is it the video card?

Is it my video card that sucks? That's what im thinking. I have 2gb of ram and a 160gb hard drive.

Easy mode lags on me during the career mode. The only way I can play normally is in practice mode.

Please help?


Thanks!|||Provide more info about graphic card

I think the game was released in 2007 so you need 256mb or more video memory and graphic card atleast Nvidia 6000 series and above

You have enough ram and as for hard disk space dont clutter your hard disk to full capacity, free some space and defragment your hard drive

How do I find out what pci bus my video card is on for linux mint 7?

I'm configuring my pci nvidia 8400 gs card, and I was told to go to my hardware manager to find out what bus my card is on. Well, there isn't anything called a hardware manager that I could find. So what should I do to find out where my card is?|||Open a terminal and type:

ls /proc/bus/pci/$(lspci | grep VGA | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sed -e 's/:/\//')

My video card burned out. Is this a good enough replacement?

Nvidia Geforce 9500 GT with 1gb memory. The video card that burned out was a 7600 GS with 256 mb memory. Sorry. I don't know what any of these mean. I'm just asking because the built in motherboard video card doesn't seem to run my apps like Google Earth or Sims 2,3 properly. I'm just wondering if they'd run in the new video card.|||Well, you can't be completely sure. If you know enough about your motherboard, then this will make sense. I looked up your old graphics card, and it said that the slot it fit in was a PCI Express x16 slot. Well, the graphics card you would like requires a PCI Express x16 2.0 slot. So, if you know that your computer's motherboard has one of those slots, then you should be fine, if it doesn't, then it's not worth buying it at all. Otherwise, it should play those just fine. Here's what your x16 slot looks like, as well as a few others: And your x16 2.0 slot looks like this: (It's the one on the far right)|||You can damage your card by using an inadequate power supply.

Power Requirements:

7600GS models

Minimum of a 350 Watt power supply.

(minimum +12 Volt current rating of 18 amps)

An available 4 pin molex connection

9500GT models

Minimum of a 350 Watt power supply

(minimum +12 Volt current rating of 18 amps)|||Yea im sure it would be a great replacement, i think i have a geforce 8500 and it plays everything and alot of things on high (bioshock on high, dawn of war on high, crysis on high but not maxed). Yea just make sure you have a pci express or pci slot available.|||they will run perfectly fine with the newer card. Before you purchase make sure you have a slot that will fit the new card.|||yes they would run fast.

What is a good video card to replace my EVGA 8800gt.?

I am looking at new video cards and my price range maxes out at $175.|||550 GTX…

How do I find how much MB my video card has?

I have a Gateway with windows vista and i want to download the game Spore, but i want to see how much MB my video card has|||Download CPU-Z. It tells you everything you need to know.|||if you don't know then the chances are you have onboard graphics or a real low end card.

Anyway you can go to START then RUN if you are in XP or in VIsta just go to the dialog box and type DXIDAG and hit enter it will tell you|||there are 2 ways...

1.right click on desktop anywhere and click personalization then click on display settings a new window will open then click on advanced settings, n then in this panel u will see how much mb is ur vga...

2.another way Window + R (or simply open Run) n type dxdiag n click ok, it will open a dxdiag box...then go to display n it will also show u..

Recommended choices to keep video card cool?

I have a Radeon X1650 512ram (agp) and it works fine. I just learned that its idle temp sits around 62C and I would like to have this lowered. I've worked on lowering cpu temperatures before but never a video card, so for those folks who also have ATI cards, which products would you recommend for keeping it cool as well? (have one slot open next to the video card, but the backside seems to get hot and theres no room to put anything there.)|||62 isn't bad. Only worry if it gets above 80 or so. You could try a pci slot cooler, or install an aftermarket heatsink on the card. Installing a heatsink is tricky though. Make sure you have good airflow through your case. You should have a fan sucking in the front and a fan blowing out the back.

It is also a good idea to have a side panel fan blowing in, onto the video card.|||the 9800 x2 pwns all. Good cards though would be the 8800 serious GT ultra and gtx.|||liquid cooling ftw

What is the best video card for these games?

I want to be able to play Crysis, COD 4, COD 5, COD 6, Battlefield Bad company 2 completely maxed out. im talking resolution and all the affects. i want the best card that can handle all of those no problem at all completely maxed out.|||If you want them COMPLETELY maxed out, I recommend a 9800 GX2, definitely. But it's a little pricey. But if you want definitely good, but not totally maxed out, and a lot less cheaper, a 9800 GTX works really nice.

What happens if the cooler on the video card stops working?

I have a GeForce FX5200 128 Mb with a cooler... and.. probably because of the dust { :"> }, the cooler isn't working quite well... and maybe even stops from time to time... and.. my question: could it burn out? because i've installed some games on my PC and they're telling me that they cannot start because of the bad video card driver... so i went to NVIDIA website to get a new one but i couldn't install it because of "the absence of the needed video card"...

should i start thinking about throwing it out the window?... :-S|||A dead cooler can definitely fry a video card, those thing get really hot.

I would think if you can get into windows your card is probably ok, but it may not be supported anymore, if you want to play any really good games, I would suggest getting a better card anyway.|||TALK TO NVIDIA'S SUPPORT (TRY FINDING THE TOLL FREE NUMBER) THEY SHOULD HELP BUT IF I WERE U I'D JUST TRY TO CLEAN OFF THE DUST......AND U SAID ABOUT BURING OUT WELL I GUESS IT MIGHT BECAUSE WHY WOULD THEY PUT IT THERE....WELL LIKE I SAID THE BEST IS TO GIVE THEM A CALL OR IF YOU CANT I SUGGEST YOU CALL COMPUSA AND ASK FOR THERE TECH.|||Your card may be fried. I've lost a couple that way. Both Radeons though.

My solution was to get regular case fans and mount them beneath the video card so they blow air up to the card where the small card fan is. This way if the small fan fails, there is still enough air circulation to keep the card running cool.

And those little fans are hard to find for replacement sometimes.

But, first make sure you are trying to install the proper drivers for your specific card. If you have checked this and still they will not install, then probably something is burnt on the card.|||Is your card an Nvidia card or one of those knockoffs that use Nvidia chipsets like sapphire or chaintech They have drivers for them on their website. As far as the fan they are pretty generic and can be replaced.

Will an ATI 4870 video card support stereo 3d when using headplay?

Im thinking of buying headplay but am not sure if my ati video card will support stereo 3d.|||Yes, it does. The Radeon HD 4870 is state-of-the-art in what it supports.

What is the best video card for my dfi lanparty pro 875b?

Right now I have a Radeon ATI 9600se but I would like something better. What is the best possible card that will still be compatible with my old *** motherboard?|||Your old motherboard uses AGP platform. Here is one of the best;…

But if you want something cheaper but still good;…

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sapphire Radeon 4830 256-bit video card with 512MB GDDR3 good for gaming?

There is a computer with this graphics card and im wondering if it is good for games like Brink, Fable 3, and WoW.|||good enough for Fable 3 and WoW. It'll run Brink but don't expect it to look good. If you want something affordable, go for a Radeon HD 5770 or higher 5 model... Even the 5670 is OKAY

Personally I would go with an Nvidia card instead of AMD/ati because they come with PhsyX which is used on a lot of newer games. The GTX 460 would probably be perfect for you, and I'm sure you can find one for $120 or less. It definitely beats out the HD 5770 and 5670 with no problem.|||Brink takes alot I have a Radeon 6800 with 1gb and it can play brink. But you DEFINATELY want a video card with at least 1gb of memory not 512MB|||No, yes, yes

What I mean by this is that brink requires more power than FBEIII or WoW

if you plan on playing new FPS games, don't use a card from the 4XXX or even 5XXX series (ATI)|||Yep !

GPU buyers guide……|||No, no, and no. Sorry, my friend, but that's really not a great gaming card.