Friday, May 4, 2012

Can I install a video graphics card on a pc that already has onboard graphics?

Gateway GM5091 computer.

GMA 950 graphics on motherboard.

How would I disable the current video card?|||…|||Yes you can. Disable the built-in video card in BIOS.|||Yes, manually install your new graphics card and then choose the graphics option under hardware in the control panel. Make sure your power source is large enough for the new card.|||If you have either an AGP or PCI-express slot, then yes.

It will disable itself once the card is in. You could do an in-depth check to make sure it is completely not on, but it is not required.|||Im pretty sure you can the best thing to do is contact the company that made your computer|||Yeah you can, I think you should be able to disable the current grapic controller in the device manager I would have your new card already installed then reboot your computer I think it may work.|||yes no problem put it in and restart and see what it picks then go to control panel/system/hardware/device manager/display adapters/right click /disable the onboard one .easy eh?|||There's no need to disable, just simply install an additional video card to get added capabilities. Disabeling that chip simply waste the money you spent to have it put in your computer, most chips are designed to be used with another card, check source below for more details on your chip.|||If you have an onboard graphics.

You will have to disable it in your system BIOS.

Adding a card without disabling it will not work.

Especially if it is AGP or PCI-E.

Been there, Done that.

Some older boards don't allow you to do that.

It used to be if your onboard graphics were gone New board time.

Where you run into that the most was with big manufactures.

If it is an actual card, Then you just remove it and put your new card in.

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