Thursday, April 26, 2012

Is my Dell Dimension E520 compatible with NVIDIA Geforce 9500 GT 1GB PCIE Video Graphics Card?

Am I facing any compatibility or other issues if upgrading my Dell E520 to the NVIDIA Geforce 9500 GT 1GB PCIE Video Graphics Card?|||check power supply, its almost guranteed it is a 250 to 300 watt psu cause most stock desktops that are not for gaming they give you enough power to run the system byitself only, the 9500 gt needs at least 350watt, otherwise the card will be just fine. even if your psu isnt 350 or more the card will still work, just might not work as well or cause your psu to overowork too much and break on you destroying your comp(worst case scenario)|||The 9500 GT will work fine unless you put a ton of other devices into the system. There's about 85W of headroom on the default configuration and the 9500 GT only uses about 50W.

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